2. AiiDA by example: Computing a band structure#

Learning Objectives

In this section we will present a complete example of an AiiDA workflow, which defines the sequence of calculations needed to compute the band structure of silicon.

How to setup the input data and the details of the workflow execution will be discussed in subsequent sections. Here we simply give an initial overview of what it means to run an AiiDA workflow.

2.1. Interacting with AiiDA#

AiiDA can be controlled in two ways:

  1. Using the verdi command line interface (CLI), or %verdi magic in Jupyter notebooks.

  2. Using the aiida Python API

For each project in AiiDA, we set up a profile, which defines the connection to the data storage, and other settings.

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from local_module import load_temp_profile

data = load_temp_profile(
Matplotlib is building the font cache; this may take a moment.
AiiDALoaded(profile=Profile<uuid='84a830b6c5d54d1cb9cdb2667d05969b' name='bands_workflow'>, computer=<Computer: local_direct (localhost), pk: 1>, code=<Code: Remote code 'pw.x' on local_direct, pk: 1, uuid: 43019f16-33cc-468a-99f3-b757d9b3b8bc>, pseudos=SsspFamily<1>, structure=<StructureData: uuid: 5071207a-7602-4223-a535-8a847351c70a (pk: 87)>, cpu_count=1, workdir=PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/aiida-qe-demo/checkouts/latest/tutorial/local_module/_aiida_workdir/bands_workflow'), pwx_path=PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/aiida-qe-demo/conda/latest/bin/pw.x'))
%verdi status --no-rmq
version:     AiiDA v2.0.4
config:      /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/aiida-qe-demo/checkouts/latest/tutorial/local_module/_aiida_path/.aiida
profile:     bands_workflow
storage:     SqliteTemp storage [open], sandbox: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/aiida-qe-demo/checkouts/latest/tutorial/local_module/_aiida_path/.aiida/repository/bands_workflow
daemon:      The daemon is not running

Within this profile, we have stored the initial input components for our workflow, including the pseudo-potentials, and the silicon structure:

%verdi storage info --detailed
Hide cell output
    count: 1
    - user@email.com
    count: 1
    - local_direct
    count: 87
    - data.core.code.Code.
    - data.core.structure.StructureData.
    - data.pseudo.upf.UpfData.
    process_types: []
    count: 1
    - pseudo.family.sssp
    count: 0
    count: 0
    count: 0

We have also set up the compute resource that we will use to run the calculations, and the code (pw.x) installed on that computer, which we will use to perform the electronic structure calculations.

Here, we will use our “local” machine to run the computations, but AiiDA can also be used to submit calculations to remote supercomputer schedulers, transporting data between the local machine and the remote computer.

%verdi computer show local_direct
Hide cell output
---------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Label                        local_direct
PK                           1
UUID                         9805a4c2-24d3-4120-9764-6cdea0c08202
Description                  local computer with direct scheduler
Hostname                     localhost
Transport type               core.local
Scheduler type               core.direct
Work directory               /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/aiida-qe-demo/checkouts/latest/tutorial/local_module/_aiida_workdir/bands_workflow
Shebang                      #!/bin/bash
Mpirun command               mpirun -np {tot_num_mpiprocs}
Default #procs/machine       1
Default memory (kB)/machine
Prepend text
Append text
---------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%verdi code show pw.x@local_direct
Hide cell output
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PK                    1
UUID                  43019f16-33cc-468a-99f3-b757d9b3b8bc
Label                 pw.x
Description           pw.x code on local computer
Default plugin        quantumespresso.pw
Type                  remote
Remote machine        local_direct
Remote absolute path  /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/aiida-qe-demo/conda/latest/bin/pw.x
Prepend text          export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
Append text
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.2. Utilising a pre-defined workflow#

AiiDA plugins can declare workflow plugins, for use within AiiDA. These are workflows that are pre-defined, and can be used as-is, or as a starting point for your own workflows.

Here we utilise the quantumespresso.pw.bands workflow defined by the aiida-quantumespresso plugin.

%verdi plugin list aiida.workflows
Hide cell output
Registered entry points for aiida.workflows:
* core.arithmetic.add_multiply
* core.arithmetic.multiply_add
* quantumespresso.matdyn.base
* quantumespresso.pdos
* quantumespresso.ph.base
* quantumespresso.pw.bands
* quantumespresso.pw.base
* quantumespresso.pw.relax
* quantumespresso.q2r.base

Report: Pass the entry point as an argument to display detailed information
%verdi plugin list aiida.workflows quantumespresso.pw.bands
Hide cell output

    Workchain to compute a band structure for a given structure using Quantum ESPRESSO pw.x.
    The logic for the computation of various parameters for the BANDS step is as follows:
    Number of bands:
    One can specify the number of bands to be used in the BANDS step either directly through the input parameters
    `bands.pw.parameters.SYSTEM.nbnd` or through `nbands_factor`. Note that specifying both is not allowed. When
    neither is specified nothing will be set by the work chain and the default of Quantum ESPRESSO will end up being
    used. If the `nbands_factor` is specified the maximum value of the following values will be used:
    * `nbnd` of the preceding SCF calculation
    * 0.5 * nspin * nelectrons * nbands_factor
    * 0.5 * nspin * nelectrons + 4 * nspin
    There are three options; specify either an existing `KpointsData` through `bands_kpoints`, or specify the
    `bands_kpoint_distance`, or specify neither. For the former those exact kpoints will be used for the BANDS step.
    In the two other cases, the structure will first be normalized using SeekPath and the path along high-symmetry
    k-points will be generated on that structure. The distance between kpoints for the path will be equal to that
    of `bands_kpoints_distance` or the SeekPath default if not specified.

                   bands:  required  Data           Inputs for the `PwBaseWorkChain` for the BANDS calculation.
                     scf:  required  Data           Inputs for the `PwBaseWorkChain` for the SCF calculation.
               structure:  required  StructureData  The inputs structure.
           bands_kpoints:  optional  KpointsData    Explicit kpoints to use for the BANDS calculation. Specify either this or ` ...
  bands_kpoints_distance:  optional  Float          Minimum kpoints distance for the BANDS calculation. Specify either this or  ...
           clean_workdir:  optional  Bool           If `True`, work directories of all called calculation will be cleaned at th ...
                metadata:  optional                 
           nbands_factor:  optional  Float          The number of bands for the BANDS calculation is that used for the SCF mult ...
                   relax:  optional  Data           Inputs for the `PwRelaxWorkChain`, if not specified at all, the relaxation  ...
         band_parameters:  required  Dict           The output parameters of the BANDS `PwBaseWorkChain`.
          band_structure:  required  BandsData      The computed band structure.
          scf_parameters:  required  Dict           The output parameters of the SCF `PwBaseWorkChain`.
     primitive_structure:  optional  StructureData  The normalized and primitivized structure for which the bands are computed.
     seekpath_parameters:  optional  Dict           The parameters used in the SeeKpath call to normalize the input or relaxed  ...
Exit codes:
                       1:  The process has failed with an unspecified error.
                       2:  The process failed with legacy failure mode.
                      10:  The process returned an invalid output.
                      11:  The process did not register a required output.
                     201:  Cannot specify both `nbands_factor` and `bands.pw.parameters.SYSTEM.nbnd`.
                     202:  Cannot specify both `bands_kpoints` and `bands_kpoints_distance`.
                     401:  The PwRelaxWorkChain sub process failed
                     402:  The scf PwBasexWorkChain sub process failed
                     403:  The bands PwBasexWorkChain sub process failed


The quantumespresso.pw.bands workflow provides a helpful method for setting up the default inputs for a given “protocol”, as to how fast/precise the calculation should be. This provides a “builder” object, which stores all the inputs for the workflow.

from aiida_quantumespresso.workflows.pw.bands import PwBandsWorkChain

builder = PwBandsWorkChain.get_builder_from_protocol(
Hide cell output
Process class: PwBandsWorkChain
  metadata: {}
    code: pw.x code on local computer
        max_wallclock_seconds: 43200
          num_machines: 1
        stash: {}
        withmpi: true
        calculation: scf
        etot_conv_thr: 0.0002
        forc_conv_thr: 0.001
        tprnfor: true
        tstress: true
        conv_thr: 8.0e-10
        electron_maxstep: 80
        mixing_beta: 0.4
        degauss: 0.01
        ecutrho: 240.0
        ecutwfc: 30.0
        nosym: false
        occupations: smearing
        smearing: cold
      Si: ''
bands_kpoints_distance: 0.1
clean_workdir: true
metadata: {}
nbands_factor: 3.0
    kpoints_distance: 0.5
    kpoints_force_parity: false
    metadata: {}
      code: pw.x code on local computer
          max_wallclock_seconds: 43200
            num_machines: 1
          stash: {}
          withmpi: true
          cell_dofree: all
          press_conv_thr: 0.5
          calculation: vc-relax
          etot_conv_thr: 0.0002
          forc_conv_thr: 0.001
          tprnfor: true
          tstress: true
          conv_thr: 8.0e-10
          electron_maxstep: 80
          mixing_beta: 0.4
          degauss: 0.01
          ecutrho: 240.0
          ecutwfc: 30.0
          nosym: false
          occupations: smearing
          smearing: cold
        Si: ''
    metadata: {}
          stash: {}
      pseudos: {}
  max_meta_convergence_iterations: 5
  meta_convergence: true
  metadata: {}
  volume_convergence: 0.05
  kpoints_distance: 0.5
  kpoints_force_parity: false
  metadata: {}
    code: pw.x code on local computer
        max_wallclock_seconds: 43200
          num_machines: 1
        stash: {}
        withmpi: true
        calculation: scf
        etot_conv_thr: 0.0002
        forc_conv_thr: 0.001
        tprnfor: true
        tstress: true
        conv_thr: 8.0e-10
        electron_maxstep: 80
        mixing_beta: 0.4
        degauss: 0.01
        ecutrho: 240.0
        ecutwfc: 30.0
        nosym: false
        occupations: smearing
        smearing: cold
      Si: ''
structure: Si

2.3. Running the workflow#

Workflows can be run in the interpreter using the run method, in a blocking manner, which we shall do here.

from aiida import engine

result = engine.run_get_node(builder)
Hide cell output
Report: [104|PwBandsWorkChain|run_relax]: launching PwRelaxWorkChain<106>
Report: [106|PwRelaxWorkChain|run_relax]: launching PwBaseWorkChain<109>
Report: [109|PwBaseWorkChain|run_process]: launching PwCalculation<114> iteration #1
Report: [109|PwBaseWorkChain|results]: work chain completed after 1 iterations
Report: [109|PwBaseWorkChain|on_terminated]: remote folders will not be cleaned
Report: [106|PwRelaxWorkChain|inspect_relax]: after iteration 1 cell volume of relaxed structure is 40.97317396255211
Report: [106|PwRelaxWorkChain|run_relax]: launching PwBaseWorkChain<123>
Report: [123|PwBaseWorkChain|run_process]: launching PwCalculation<128> iteration #1
Report: [123|PwBaseWorkChain|results]: work chain completed after 1 iterations
Report: [123|PwBaseWorkChain|on_terminated]: remote folders will not be cleaned
Report: [106|PwRelaxWorkChain|inspect_relax]: after iteration 2 cell volume of relaxed structure is 41.15149425981942
Report: [106|PwRelaxWorkChain|inspect_relax]: relative cell volume difference 0.004352123109385916 smaller than threshold 0.05
Report: [106|PwRelaxWorkChain|results]: workchain completed after 2 iterations
Report: [106|PwRelaxWorkChain|on_terminated]: remote folders will not be cleaned
Report: [104|PwBandsWorkChain|run_scf]: launching PwBaseWorkChain<142> in scf mode
Report: [142|PwBaseWorkChain|run_process]: launching PwCalculation<147> iteration #1
Report: [142|PwBaseWorkChain|results]: work chain completed after 1 iterations
Report: [142|PwBaseWorkChain|on_terminated]: remote folders will not be cleaned
Report: [104|PwBandsWorkChain|run_bands]: launching PwBaseWorkChain<155> in bands mode
Report: [155|PwBaseWorkChain|run_process]: launching PwCalculation<158> iteration #1
Warning: c_bands: at least 1 eigenvalues not converged
Report: [155|PwBaseWorkChain|results]: work chain completed after 1 iterations
Report: [155|PwBaseWorkChain|on_terminated]: remote folders will not be cleaned
Report: [104|PwBandsWorkChain|results]: workchain succesfully completed
Report: [104|PwBandsWorkChain|on_terminated]: cleaned remote folders of calculations: 114 128 147 158
ResultAndNode(result={'primitive_structure': <StructureData: uuid: 0bd67e0d-319c-4d49-8efa-35735b92df46 (pk: 138)>, 'seekpath_parameters': <Dict: uuid: 0b6d72c7-e865-4930-9820-9473a962fb55 (pk: 136)>, 'scf_parameters': <Dict: uuid: 3797607c-478c-4f1a-9659-5fad2f031e41 (pk: 152)>, 'band_parameters': <Dict: uuid: 96cf1934-a4d7-4ace-b841-1e998a3d61e5 (pk: 163)>, 'band_structure': <BandsData: uuid: 43b15d67-4f3e-4b94-9d3a-cd15e5a8f558 (pk: 161)>}, node=<WorkChainNode: uuid: fa77f701-1902-4f28-a7a2-1fa001eec6ef (pk: 104) (aiida.workflows:quantumespresso.pw.bands)>)

Typically however, long running workflows are executed by using the submit method. This will store the initial state of the workflow in the profile storage, and notify the AiiDA daemon to run the workflow in the background.

The AiiDA daemon can be launched using the verdi daemon start n command, with n being the number of worker processes to launch. Each worker can asynchronously handle 1000s of individual calculations, allowing for a high-throughput of workflow submissions.

daemon illustration

Each workflow and node stored in the AiiDA profile is assigned a unique identifier (a.k.a Primary Key), which can be used to reference them. The execution of the workflows can be monitored using the verdi process list command, which will show the status of all running processes in the profile (or also finished ones with -a).

%verdi process list -a
Hide cell output
  PK  Created    Process label                 Process State    Process status
----  ---------  ----------------------------  ---------------  ----------------
 104  2m ago     PwBandsWorkChain              ⏹ Finished [0]
 106  2m ago     PwRelaxWorkChain              ⏹ Finished [0]
 109  2m ago     PwBaseWorkChain               ⏹ Finished [0]
 110  2m ago     create_kpoints_from_distance  ⏹ Finished [0]
 114  2m ago     PwCalculation                 ⏹ Finished [0]
 123  1m ago     PwBaseWorkChain               ⏹ Finished [0]
 124  1m ago     create_kpoints_from_distance  ⏹ Finished [0]
 128  1m ago     PwCalculation                 ⏹ Finished [0]
 135  29s ago    seekpath_structure_analysis   ⏹ Finished [0]
 142  29s ago    PwBaseWorkChain               ⏹ Finished [0]
 143  29s ago    create_kpoints_from_distance  ⏹ Finished [0]
 147  28s ago    PwCalculation                 ⏹ Finished [0]
 155  21s ago    PwBaseWorkChain               ⏹ Finished [0]
 158  21s ago    PwCalculation                 ⏹ Finished [0]

Total results: 14

Report: last time an entry changed state: 0s ago (at 08:15:05 on 2022-10-04)
Warning: the daemon is not running

We can also monitor the progress of individual workflows using the verdi process status command, which will show the status of the individual steps of the workflow.

%verdi process status {result.node.pk}
PwBandsWorkChain<104> Finished [0] [7:results]
    ├── PwRelaxWorkChain<106> Finished [0] [3:results]
    │   ├── PwBaseWorkChain<109> Finished [0] [4:results]
    │   │   ├── create_kpoints_from_distance<110> Finished [0]
    │   │   └── PwCalculation<114> Finished [0]
    │   └── PwBaseWorkChain<123> Finished [0] [4:results]
    │       ├── create_kpoints_from_distance<124> Finished [0]
    │       └── PwCalculation<128> Finished [0]
    ├── seekpath_structure_analysis<135> Finished [0]
    ├── PwBaseWorkChain<142> Finished [0] [4:results]
    │   ├── create_kpoints_from_distance<143> Finished [0]
    │   └── PwCalculation<147> Finished [0]
    └── PwBaseWorkChain<155> Finished [0] [4:results]
        └── PwCalculation<158> Finished [0]

This work-chain demonstrates how we can build up a complex workflow from a series of individual calculations. In this case, the workflow is made up of the following steps:

  1. The PwRelaxWorkChain will run multiple Quantum ESPRESSO vc-relax calculations, to make sure that there are no Pulay stresses present in the material and that the requested k-points density is respected in case there is a significant volume change in the material.

  2. Once the geometry has been optimized, SeeK-path will be used to primitivize and standardize the structure, as well as find the standard path along which to calculate the band structure.

  3. A static calculation (scf) is run to calculate the charge density for the structure obtained from SeeK-path.

  4. Finally, an NSCF is run to calculate the band structure along the path determined by Seek-path.

We shall also discuss in subsequent sections, how the PwBaseWorkChain can identify and recover from known failure modes, such as reaching the wall-time limit of the scheduler, or convergence failures.

2.4. Inspecting the results#

Once we the workflow has finished, we can inspect the results using the verdi process show command, which will show the results of the workflow, and its “attached” outputs.

%verdi process show {result.node.pk}
Hide cell output
Property     Value
-----------  ------------------------------------
type         PwBandsWorkChain
state        Finished [0]
pk           104
uuid         fa77f701-1902-4f28-a7a2-1fa001eec6ef
ctime        2022-10-04 08:12:54.952706+00:00
mtime        2022-10-04 08:15:05.401843+00:00
computer     [1] local_direct

Inputs                               PK    Type
-----------------------------------  ----  -------------
            Si                       52    UpfData
        code                         1     Code
        parameters                   99    Dict
    max_iterations                   100   Int
                Si                   52    UpfData
            code                     1     Code
            parameters               88    Dict
        kpoints_distance             89    Float
        kpoints_force_parity         90    Bool
        max_iterations               91    Int
    max_meta_convergence_iterations  92    Int
    meta_convergence                 93    Bool
    volume_convergence               94    Float
            Si                       52    UpfData
        code                         1     Code
        parameters                   95    Dict
    kpoints_distance                 96    Float
    kpoints_force_parity             97    Bool
    max_iterations                   98    Int
bands_kpoints_distance               103   Float
clean_workdir                        101   Bool
nbands_factor                        102   Float
structure                            87    StructureData

Outputs                PK  Type
-------------------  ----  -------------
band_parameters       163  Dict
band_structure        161  BandsData
primitive_structure   138  StructureData
scf_parameters        152  Dict
seekpath_parameters   136  Dict

Called      PK  Type
--------  ----  ---------------------------
relax      106  PwRelaxWorkChain
seekpath   135  seekpath_structure_analysis
scf        142  PwBaseWorkChain
bands      155  PwBaseWorkChain

2.4.1. The provenance graph#

As well as storing the inputs and outputs of the workflow, and its composite calculations, AiiDA also stores the links between them, which can be used to reconstruct the provenance graph of the workflow.

This can be visualised using the verdi node graph generate command, or using the Graph Python API.

from aiida.tools.visualization import Graph

graph = Graph(graph_attr={"rankdir": "TB", "size": "8!,8!"})
graph.recurse_ancestors(result.node, annotate_links="both")
graph.recurse_descendants(result.node, annotate_links="both")

2.4.2. The output structure#

AiiDA’s StructureData class provides integration with both ASE, and Pymatgen, which can be used to inspect and visualise the structure.

pym_structure = result.node.outputs.primitive_structure.get_pymatgen()
Structure Summary
    abc : 3.8752542610912695 3.8752542610912695 3.8752542610912695
 angles : 59.99999999999999 59.99999999999999 59.99999999999999
 volume : 41.151494259818136
      A : 0.0 2.7402185668397 2.7402185668397
      B : 2.7402185668397 0.0 2.7402185668397
      C : 2.7402185668397 2.7402185668397 0.0
PeriodicSite: Si (2.7402, 0.0000, 0.0000) [-0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000]
PeriodicSite: Si (1.3701, 4.1103, 1.3701) [0.7500, -0.2500, 0.7500]
from ase.visualize.plot import plot_atoms

ase_atoms = result.node.outputs.primitive_structure.get_ase()
ax = plot_atoms(ase_atoms)

2.4.3. The output band structure#

Finally, we get to our desired result, the band structure of silicon computed using Quantum ESPRESSO 🎉

from local_module.bandstructure import plot_bandstructure

bands = result.node.outputs.band_structure
fig, ax = plot_bandstructure(bands)