--- sd_hide_title: true --- # AiiDA Demonstration ![aiida graph](_static/aiida/common_workflow_calculator_plus_sponsors.png) This tutorial is a demonstration of the AiiDA workflow manager. It is intended to: 1. Give a brief overview of the main features of AiiDA 2. Show how it can be used to set up and run quantum calculations, using [Quantum ESPRESSO](https://www.quantum-espresso.org/) as an example. 3. Show how the results of these calculations can be explored. 4. Show how calculation can be combined into complex workflow and run in high-throughput. ```{toctree} :hidden: :numbered: 1_what_is_aiida 2_bands_workflow 3_qe_to_aiida 4_generating_inputs 5_error_handling 6_write_your_own_workflow 7_next_steps glossary ``` ## Interacting with the tutorial The tutorial is divided into a number of sections, most of which are written Jupyter notebook, that can be run within the [Conda environment](https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/tasks/manage-environments.html) provided in {download}`environment.yaml <../environment.yml>`. ### Using Binder The easiest way to run the notebooks is to click on the Binder badge below, which will launch a Binder instance with the environment pre-installed. [![Binder](https://mybinder.org/badge_logo.svg)](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/chrisjsewell/aiida-qe-demo/main?labpath=tutorial) Alternatively, any page with a 🚀 icon can be launched in Binder by clicking on it. ### Locally Alternatively, you can run the tutorial locally, by following the instructions below. #### Install the tutorial First, clone the tutorial repository: git clone Then, install the tutorial environment using [mamba](https://mamba.readthedocs.io): mamba env create -f environment.yml Finally, activate the environment: mamba activate aiida-qe-demo Then, start the Jupyter notebook server: jupyter lab