# What is AiiDA? AiiDA is designed to meet the challenges of high-throughput computational materials science, by providing a framework for the automation of workflows, the management of complex data, and the integration of external codes. Workflow design : AiiDA provides a powerful scripting API for the composition of workflows, potentially integrating multiple external code computations with advanced error handling capabilities. : ![Graph illustration](_static/aiida/illustration_graph.png){height=150px align=center} Workflow execution : AiiDA provides a scalable workflow engine, which can execute thousands of workflows in parallel and interface with remote high-performance computing clusters. : ![LUMI hero run](_static/aiida/graph_lumi_her_run.png "55704 Quantum ESPRESSO calculations run on LUMI-C"){height=150px align=center} Data management : Data is stored reliably and efficiently, with a focus on the flow of data (its provenance), and searchability. : ![Data illustration](_static/aiida/illustration_aiida_database.jpg){height=150px align=center} Extensibility : AiiDA provides a flexible plugin system to extend the core functionality, with support for external codes, databases, and other features. : Plugins are available for many quantum chemical codes: : :::{subfigure} 4 :gap: 20px :layout-sm: 3 :layout-lg: 6 :align: center ![Abinit](_static/software_logos/abinit.svg) ![BigDFT](_static/software_logos/bigdft.png) ![Castep](_static/software_logos/castep.png) ![CP2K](_static/software_logos/cp2k.png) ![Fleur](_static/software_logos/fleur.png) ![Gaussian](_static/software_logos/gaussian.jpg) ![NWChem](_static/software_logos/nwchem.png) ![Orca](_static/software_logos/orca.png) ![Quantum ESPRESSO](_static/software_logos/quantumespresso.png) ![Siesta](_static/software_logos/siesta.png) ![VASP](_static/software_logos/vasp.png) ![yambo](_static/software_logos/yambo.png) ::: Reproducibility : With the defined workflows and stored data, it is possible to reproduce the results of a calculation, or to continue a workflow from a previous state. Shareability : AiiDA workflows and data can be shared with others, by exporting them to a portable archive format. : This can be used to share workflows with collaborators, or to publish workflows and data on to cloud archives such as [Materials Cloud](https://www.materialscloud.org/). : ![Materials Cloud](_static/aiida/mat_cloud_circle.png){height=200px align=center}